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Original Text (Annotation: EPW062760 / 2027187)

' Northwick Park Golf Club House. Quite a prestigious golf club in its day. The land on which it was built would originally have formed part of Sheepcote Farm, which was rented from the Northwick Estate. It was acquired by Harrow School in 1905 in order to limit the encroachment of residential development. This suggests that by this time Sheepcote Farm had ceased to be a working farm and the landlord was happy to dispose of it. The golf club appeared in 1908, but ceased to exist at about the start of WW2. During WW2, temporary buildings were erected near to the old farm buildings on what is now the site of original Harrow Technical College building (now absorbed into the University of Westminster campus.) These hutment buildings were used as an Admiralty records depository and naval accounts office. The huts remained until Harrow Tech was built and it is believed that they were latterly used by the Inland Revenue and as a temporary Royal Mail sorting office when the Harrow sorting office was being redeveloped. '