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Original Text (Annotation: EPW016549 / 2003391)
TSMV New Prince of Wales 108ft l.o.a., of the Southend Motor Navigation Co. Ltd. Board of Trade "Steam 6" Passenger Carrying Certificate to carry 375 persons for Coastal Cruising, trips were made to such Ports as Clacton, Ramsgate, and Margate. Built at Bosham by local Boatbuilder Alec Fowler at his Yard on Schoolhouse Rythe, and launched June 1923. Cost, £11,000. First in Service at Southend, August, 1923. Lost off La Panne, May 30th, 1940, due to the incompetence of her Naval Crew. For an explanation of the circumstances of ALL the 36 Southend "little ships" that took part in the Evacuation from the Dunkirk beaches - read "To Rescue Our Soldiers", - [a 12 page intro. is available to view at] - a copiously-illustrated 180page non-fictional account with explanatory appendices, available for £15.99 from . '