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' Charles Lightoller of the Titanic and the Spanish Prince blockship of Dover Harbour, Kent, UK "Lights" nearly joined Knight Bachelor 1899 but was "shanghaied" (his own word) into serving on the far less desirable Knight Companion instead. The Knight Bachelor was renamed the Spanish Prince in 1907 In 1912, Lightoller was second mate on, and senior surviving officer of, the RMS Titanic iceberg disaster. The Spanish Prince was subsequently scuttled in Dover Harbour in 1915 for use as a blockship during World War I. Lightoller joined the "Dover Patrol" in 1916 and lived 8 East Cliff (left-hand house in block of 3 in the photo) where he could see the Spanish Prince blockship. No doubt it brought back memories of having been shanghaied! More detailed information can be found at: '