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Original Text (Annotation: epw036451 / 1432119)

' The Bass Clef Jazz Club- Opened in 1984 by Peter Ind. The Bass Clef was a jazz club in an area which was, in the mid 80s at least, profoundly unfashionable, namely Hoxton. At night, it was dead - except for the Bass Clef which I remember standing out from the surrounding area because it was the only building that wasn’t completely dark. The BC was a little more civilised than your standard rock venue, in that at least it had a restaurant that served food you could actually eat. More to the point, it also had something about it that made you feel you were getting more than the mass produced, rock ritual experience offered by most venues at the time. The BC I remember coincided with the (very) brief jazz resurgence of the mid-to-late 80s, but I think it might have become more dance-orientated as the area trendified around it. It became the Blue Note in 1993, where, I must admit, I have never been. '