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Original Text (Annotation: EPW019764 / 1430919)

' Beacons - 1685, in the chart of the Tyne and adjacent coast, published separately in 1685. “Collar Coates” and “Whitley Pitts”, are noted as prominent landmarks, among the other harbours of the coast. A ‘Pier’ that lieth a mile or more from Tinmouth Castle to the northward, and is a Pier where vessels enter at high water to load coals and lie dry at low water. The going in of this place is between several rocks. The way in is beaconed. In 1870, Beacon House (No. 42 Beverly Terrace) was built, with two beacons and two masts for navigational purposes. The house was built single storey but double fronted to provide the same amount of living space as others in the terrace. Boats entering the harbour lined up the two beacons for safe passage. '