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Original Text (Annotation: EPW057986 / 1381127)
Thames Ammunition Company works, see also image EAW048379 for the works while flooded in 1953.
Adjacent to these works was the Trench Warfare Filing factory, erected in 1915 to make munitions for 2 inch and 6 inch mortars and managed by Thames Ammunition Co.
After the end of WW1, the factory was used for decommissioning munitions. A tragic consequence was that on the 19th February 1924, while dismantling stocks of Verey light cartridges, 11 young women and a male forman were killed in an explosion and fire. Questions were subsequently asked in Parliament as to why W V Gilbert Ltd, who was undertaking the work, did not comply with the Explosives Act, which would have limited the personnel within a building to a maximum of 3?