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Original Text (Annotation: SAR023946 / 1368005)
Pultneytown Harbour, Wick, Caithness The construction of this harbour began in 1824, to designs by Thomas Telford, on the south side of Wick. It consists of two large basins formed by a breakwater to the east, a long north pier, and a third pier running north east from the south side. This view shows the concrete lighthouse on the end of the east breakwater, built c1905, and clearly designed to resist the extraordinary force of the waves that can assail this harbour. This was in the 19th century on of the most important herring ports in the world, and these very large basins were well occupied. In the mid 19th century the building of outer breakwaters to make Wick Bay a harbour of refuge proved impossible. Source: RCAHMS contribution to SCRAN. '