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Original Text (Annotation: SPW048762 / 1347529)
Netherfield Chemical Works, No 694 Duke Street, Glasgow This shows the office of the works from the south-east, photographed from a train on the Coatbridge line. The building on the right is part of the fertiliser works. To the left of the office is the steep roadway leading under the railway to the sulphuric acid works. Glasgow was a major centre for chemical manufacture in the 19th and early 29th centuries. Garroways was one of the last surviving firms in 1970. Since then fertiliser manufacture has been abandoned, but the works was still producing sulphuric acid in 2002. This works was established in 1851 by John Garroway, and made sulphuric acid and superphosphate fertiliser. In 1871 the site was split in two by the construction of the North British Railway's Glasgow to Coatbridge railway. The fertiliser works occupied the northern part of the site. Source: RCAHMS contribution to SCRAN. '