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Original Text (Annotation: EAW017762 / 1328895)
James Bridge Copper Works, Pleck
The site of the former James Bridge Brick Works.
The James Bridge Copper Works opened in 1919 as a subsidiary of the Wolverhampton Metal Company Limited.
In 1931 the factory was forced to close by Walsall Town Council after a series of complaints about the sulphurous fumes that came from the 100ft. high chimney. At the time around 150 manual workers who worked in the factory lost their jobs. Taller chimneys were built, and the factory reopened the following year.
It was forced to close again in World War 2 because of blackout problems, but reopened after the war to recover copper from war surplus items.
The firm became a Limited company in 1946, and in the early 1950s became one of the country’s leading copper reclamation companies. All kinds of waste materials including ash and foundry residues were transported to the factory to produce high quality copper.
In 1967 the plant was updated to increase production of high grade electrolytic copper from 15,000 to 50,000 tons a year. During the same year James Bridge Copper Works Limited became part of IMI Limited (Imperial Metal Industries Limited) and became known as IMI Refiners Limited.
It was the last copper refining business in the country, but sadly closed on 31st December, 1999. The factory was demolished in 2000.
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