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Original Text (Annotation: EAW039859 / 1326903)

' This looks like 'Nelson', the 200 ton lift travelling gantry built in 1919 by Cowan and Sheldon. In the English Heritage Report 39-2013, page 60, Edgeworth states that this gantry was removed in 1948 while this photo is dated 1951. In this view, the gantry is near the wharf on the left. However, see EAW045775 dated 12 Aug 1952 where it has moved a distance to the right, much closer to the shorter velocity screen masts. Then in EAW048562 / 3 & 66, all dated 31 March 1953, the gantry is back near the wharf. It looks pretty certain that the gantry was not removed in 1948 and was still used after that date. '