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Original Text (Annotation: EAW039859 / 1326819)

' Grain Island Firing Point / Yantlet Battery. Per Matt Edgeworth of English Heritage in his report 'Grain Island Firing Point, Yantlet Creek, Isle of Grain, Medway. Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment' Research Report Series 39-2013 ( This installation was built for the testing and evaluation of long range guns and formed part of the Shoeburyness ranges in Essex. This provided a firing corridor from Grain to the Maplin Sands that was 17 miles (27km) in length and enabled fired shells to be recovered from the sands for close examination. The Grain site was acquired by the Admiralty in 1917 and was initially operational from 1919. Use for artillery testing ceased during the 1950s as: the range of heavy guns exceeded 17 miles; and guided missiles replaced long range artillery. The site was then used as a demolition range. The report explains very well how the site was laid out and used and is well illustrated with some very clear photographs. '