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Original Text (Annotation: EPW037226 / 1162563)

' Bache Bowling Green. In the mid 1990s the Whitbread - the owner's of the public house - decided to turn it into a Premier Inn. However part of the site - as can be seen - had been a bowling green since the 1930s. Whitbread's plans were thwarted by pre-existing use. In order to build its Premier Inn, Whitbread just told the Bache bowling club it could no longer use the site. One which they had been using for at least 70 years. Members thought about legal redress but as they never owned the green because it was attached to the pub (which they used as a clubhouse after matches) and the costs were too high, they accepted Whitbread's decision. After 12 months of letting the once pristine green turn into wasteland with metre-high weeds and bramble bushes, a planning application was duly submitted to Chester City Council for a Premier Inn. It was passed as the site was no longer being used for bowling. '