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Original Text (Annotation: EPW060117 / 1148871)
Union Street Bridge, single span 24 feet wide over the river Frome built 1771-76. Road deck 31'6" above the river 1776-1809 and 30 feet above the river once Bridewell Weir had been removed 1809. In 1828 Mylne's culvert and the floodgates at Stonebridge lowered the level of the Frome to a trickle in Summer and a few feet in Winter, making the drop around 42 feet (including parapet) There was a land arch either side under the Union St ramp. The river either side was culverted 1866-1871, making Fairfax St to the east, with steps up to Union St, and a blanked off wall to the west, where Fry's factory annex 2A was laid out. This factory was burnt out and the site cleared by 1953, when the blocked up river arch and southern land arch were removed and a new ferro concrete road deck inserted. Fairfax St was also made right through on a new alignment to Nelson St, through the plots of the former chocolate factories. '