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Original Text (Annotation: EAW043349 / 1105035)

' Ringway village centre. The white building is the "Romper" pub - originally said to have been "the Red Lion", but a particularly droll inn sign in the early 20th century led it to be nicknamed "the Romping Kitten". Now "The Romper" has become the official name. The darker building on the nearer side of "the Romper" was the old village smithy. On the opposite corner of Sunbank Lane, the roof of St Mary & All Saints CE church is visible. The church isn't now used for regular services, as growth of the airport diminished the village's already small population, though the graveyard is still open. The current building is early 18th century, but a chapel of ease (to St Mary, Bowdon) had stood on or near the site since the late middle ages. '